About the Engagement Builder

The EB is your administration console for managing personalized data-driven insights, content, and settings across Personetics products.

The EB is a codeless management tool that enables you to quickly and easily create custom content and engaging insights. It speeds up the development cycle and deployment to all bank channels.

Platform Capabilities

The EB provides the following main capabilities

  • Enables banks to create their own insights customized to their exact needs
  • Predesigned templates and cloning tools specifically designed to facilitate the insight creation process
  • Change approval management tools
  • Packaging and publishing process management tools
  • Transaction categorization management
  • Definitions of product settings, such as autosavings, goals and budgets

Building custom insights based on customer needs

  • Define logic with access to over 200 Personetics data enrichment assets, customer-level attributes and external resources such as campaigns or customer analytics
  • Build calculations and complex statistical aggregation functions
  • Configure Insight behavior by assigning parameters such as exposure period, engagement policy or personalization attributes
  • Customize Insight UX and structure through drag and drop content blocks
  • Populate insight details with both dynamic user data and static content such as language, images, graphs and external URLs
  • Configure calls to action -including conditional logic based on user’s data