ACT Widget


The ACT funding method allows customers targeted by the bank, to enroll in goals-based savings, choose the funding allocation, manage and their goals. This is implemented by two widgets:

  • actOnboarding - allows user enrollment, goal setting, funding allocation ratio, funding method (where relevant), and authorization.
  • actManagement - allows the user to manage their goals, create new goals, and change any of the funding parameters.

The widgets can be triggered by an insight teaser, an insight story or from the bankā€™s own application. The widgets interact as a wizard, allowing the user to move between pages, and make decisions on registration, and goals management. ACT dedicated API requests implement the required functionality.


ACT uses the ā€œwidgetDetailsā€ server API response (detailed in the Server API document). The API response includes the widget display data consisting of three main elements:

  • Dialog - The dialogs are the ā€˜pagesā€™ of each widget, where each widget has at least one dialog. For example, the ā€˜Onboardingā€™ widget may include several dialogs: program selection and definitions, financial allocation, terms and conditions, etc. Some dialogs are required, and other dialogs are optional ā€“ according to the bank specific implementation.
  • Blocks - Blocks are the visual elements contained in each dialog. Each block is a data object that defines a single UI component such as text, image, chart, etc. Some blocks may also be used to interact or impact other blocks.
    Some of the blocks available for each dialog are required (e.g. goal type, goal name, target account, etc.); other blocks are optional (e.g. goal target date, goal image, etc.).
  • Actions - Each action defines an API request sent by the widget to the server, upon user click. The action includes the action id, and will be linked to a specific block.


The bank can choose the dialog flow, type of optional blocks to include in each dialog, as well as the visual customization of the widget. Refer to the UI Catalog for details on the ACT widgets customization options.