Budget Insights

Personetics smart budgets are implemented via a number of insights. Each type of insight is triggered at different stages: from an invitation to create a budget, to tracking the budget status once budgets are created.

Note: All insights provide access (through a button), to the budget management app, implemented via the manage-budget widget.

Invitation Insights

There are two types of invitation insights, triggered by different types occurrences in the user's financial data:

  • Budget Recommendation Events - account level
  • Recommend a Smart Budget - category specific

Budget Recommendation Events

The insight is triggered upon various user account(s) indications. The insight supports a number of use cases, each addressing a specific indication as follows: balance issues, an external account, spending increase, significant increase or increase or decrease in account balance, decrease in savings, new user in the bank, unusual transaction activity in a budget categories.

Insight ID:budgetRecommendationEvents

Example of Budget Recommendation Events Teaser

Example of Budget Recommendation Events Teaser

Recommend a Smart Budget

Proactively identify areas in which the user can spend less, and helps the user do so by opting into a targeted monthly budget. The insight identifies a user who had a significant increase or decrease in a spending category supported by the bank, or whose spending in the category is significant compared to the total monthly expenses. The user is presented with the relevant financial spending data, and a budget limit in the relevant category is suggested.

The insight supports nine use cases, each addressing either a single or multiple accounts, with various conditions such as significant increase or decrease in spending, in one or more supported categories.

Insight ID: budgetRecommendationSpendingCategory

Example of Recommend Smart Budget Teaser

Example of Recommend Smart Budget Teaser

Budget Milestones Reached

This tracker insight updates users upon reaching 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%% of their monthly budget in the configured categories. Depending on the selected use-case, the insight can be _first _triggered at 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. A use case is also provided for triggering multiple insights upon reaching each milestone.

Insight ID: budgetMilestones

The insight presents the current month spending versus remaining budget for the month. Spendings for the same category(ies), can be compared over previous months, through an interactive months’ graph and transactions list.

Budget Milestones Teaser

Example of Budget Milestones Teaser

Note: All notifications are for reaching milestones for the first time in the current month.

Budget Tracker

This tracker insight continuously keeps users updated on their budgets spending status. The tracker is updated each time the bank makes a request to Personetics.

Insight ID: budgetTracker

The insight presents the current month spending versus remaining budget for the month. Spendings for the same category(ies), can be compared over previous months, through an interactive months’ graph and transactions list.

Example of Budget Tracker Teaser

Example of Budget Tracker Teaser

Consistently over Budget

Helps users get their spending back on track by notifying the user if spending exceeded a set budget category for two months, and suggesting a higher, more realistic budget amount going forward. The user can also review all recent transactions for the budget category by month. The insight has a single use case.

Insight ID: budgetConsistAbove

Example of Insight Teaser

Example of Insight Teaser

Consistently Under Budget

Identifies users that have spent less than their set budget target over the past two months, and directs them to set more aggressive - lower, targets, going forward. The user can also review all recent transactions for the budget category by month. The insight has a single use case.

Insight ID: budgetConsistBelow

Congratulate users who have consistently spent less than their budget over the first three months of budgeting. This insight has three use cases for single and multiple budgets that meet the conditions:

Superstar Spender

Congratulate users who have consistently spent less than their budget over the first three months of budgeting.

Insight ID: budgetSuperstar