Budget Widget

About the Budget Widget

Smart Budgets is a proactive spending control service offered by Personetics. Through a set of personalized, smart algorithms and ongoing digital engagement with customers, Personetics can help relevant customers manage budgets and control monthly spending in specific categories. That is accomplished by recommending smart targets and helping to stay on track.

The program is implemented via a single widget – the manageBudget widget. The widget can be accessed from an insight teaser, story, or from the bank’s application – as implemented by the bank.

Note: The budget widget dialogs can be visually customized according to the bank’s theme; however, the dialogs flow, cannot be modified.

User Experience

  • When a user clicks an action button that implements externalNavigation, this initiates the a ‘startWidget’ call that renders the manageBudget widgets.
  • Interested users begin the onboarding process in which the budget category is chosen (it may also be recommended by the bank), and spending allocation defined. The amount may range from zero to an upper limit set by the bank (configurable).
  • Customers can then view their defined budgets, manage their budgets, and track their spending for the defined budgets.