Data Requirements

The data that the client should expose to Personetics


The input data needs include the following fields, see below fields and their description.

  • The required data type can be found in the second column.
  • Each field relevant account types can be found in the fourth column.
  • The indication rather each field is mandatory can be found on the fifth column.
AttributeData TypeDescriptionRelevant Account TypeMandatory
id (customer)stringSystem unique constant customer IDAllYes, only if User-Input is in the project's scope.
id (account)stringShould relate to ID field in "Account" tableAllYes, only if User-Input is in the project's scope.
type (account)ENUM (see bellow)The account type - according to the Personetics vocabularyAllYes
idstringSystem unique and constant key to identify the transactionAllYes
amountdecimalThe transaction absolute amount in the account currencyAllYes
descriptionstringThe transaction description as it is displayed to the user in the bank's digital channels.
Should include details about the source/recipient of the transaction
directionENUM (See below)The transaction direction according to the Personetics vocabulary: C = Credit, D = DebitAllYes
MCCstringThe universal Merchant Category CodeAllYes
Non-mandatory cases:
- Open banking data
- Debit card transactions
transactionDatedate (YYYY-MM-DD)The transaction date as it is displayed to the user in the bank's digital channelsAllYes
typeENUM (See below)The type of the transaction - according to the Personetics vocabularyAllYes
Non-mandatory cases:
- Open banking data
typeOriginalstringThe type of the transaction - according to the bank's original vocabularyAllYes
Non-mandatory cases:
- Open banking data
subTypeOriginalstringThe subtype of the transaction - according to the bank's original vocabularyAllYes
Non-mandatory cases:
- Open banking data
statusENUM (See below)The transaction status - according to the Personetics vocabularyAllNo
transferSubTypeENUM (See below)The sub type of the transfer - according to the Personetics vocabularyAllNo
feeSubTypeENUM (See below)The sub type of the fee - according to the Personetics vocabularyAllNo
investmentSubTypeENUM (See below)The sub type of the investment transaction - according to the Personetics vocabularyInvestmentNo
counterPartyNamestringThe clean merchant or counterparty name, without any details unique to the specific transaction
(no prefix or suffix, no date or time, no confirmation method or serial number, no amounts, no currency, or currency conversion details, etc.). This field is displayed to the user in some of Personetics' products.
ISOCurrencyCodestringTransaction charge currency code (ISO code) - should be the same as the related account currency codeAllNo
runningBalancedecimalThe balance of the account after the specific transaction was deductedChecking, Savings, CreditNo
isReversalboolean (0/1/NULL)Indication if the transaction represents a reversal of another transactionChecking, Savings, CreditNo
isReturnedItemboolean (0/1/NULL)Indication if the transaction represents a returned check or transfer (ex. due to nonsufficient funds)Checking, Savings, CreditNo
isRefundboolean (0/1/NULL)Indication if the transaction represents a refund of another transaction (can be full/partial refund)Checking, Savings, CreditNo
isInstallmentboolean (0/1/NULL)Indication if the transaction is one of multiple installmentsCreditNo
statusOriginalstringThe transaction status - according to the bank's original vocabularyAllNo
isPreAuthorizedboolean (0/1/NULL)Indication if the transaction was preauthorizedChecking, Savings, CreditNo
isRecurringboolean (0/1/NULL)Indication if the transaction is a periodically recurring transactionChecking, Savings, CreditNo
transactionChannelENUM (See below)The channel the transaction was made through - For example: Indication if the purchase transaction was made online - according to the Personetics vocabularyAllNo
categoryIdstringThe transaction category ID - applicable if the bank would like to use it's own internal categorization system instead of the Personetics categorization (Requires setup and additional documentation). If the bank would like to take Personetics categorization - this attribute is not relevantAllNo

Please find ENUM fields option in the table below:

FieldPossible valueDescription
type (account)CheckingChecking / Current account
type (account)SavingsSavings account
type (account)CreditCredit card account
type (account)PrepaidPrepaid card account
type (account)LoanLoan account
type (account)MortgageMortgage account
type (account)CDTerm Deposit account
type (account)InvestmentInvestment account
transactionChannelATMFor example: cash withdrawal using ATM machine, etc
transactionChannelBranchFor example: cash withdrawal using bank's clerk, etc
transactionChannelMobileFor example: check deposit using mobile phone, etc
transactionChannelOnlineFor example: online purchase, online transfer, etc
transactionChannelDigitalWalletFor example: PayPal, Apple Pay, Venmo, Google Wallet, Android Pay, Alipay, Cash App, etc
statusPendingA transaction that has not yet been Posted/Rejected
statusPostedPosted transaction
statusRejectedRejected transaction
statusScheduledTransaction scheduled for future occurrence
type (transaction)ChargeCard transaction (purchase, payment for a service, etc.)
type (transaction)CashOrCheckCash or check deposit (in case the specific type is not clear)
type (transaction)FeeAny bank or card fee
type (transaction)CashA cash deposit or withdrawal (either in branch, ATM or any other way)
type (transaction)CheckCheck deposit or check posted
type (transaction)OwnAccountTransferTransfer between a user's own accounts
type (transaction)TransferTransfer to or from an account not owned by the user
type (transaction)OtherOther Incoming / Outgoing transaction
type (transaction)InterestCharge / Deposit of interest on the account
type (transaction)SecurityExecutionBuy / sale of a security (For investments accounts)
type (transaction)InvestmentDepositA deposit due to investment activity (For investments accounts)
transferSubTypeOverdraftProtectionOverdraft protection transaction
transferSubTypeDigitalWalletTransferIncoming / Outgoing transfer using a digital wallet (such as: PayPal, Apple Pay, Venmo, Google Wallet, Android Pay, Alipay, Cash App, etc.)
transferSubTypeTermDepositRedemptionRedemption of a Term Deposit funds to the user's checking / Savings account
transferSubTypeBalanceTransferA balance transfer between credit cards
transferSubTypeDirectDebitRecurring Direct Debit outgoing transfer
transferSubTypeStandingOrderRecurring Standing Order outgoing transfer
transferSubTypeDirectDepositDirect Deposit incoming transfer to the account
feeSubTypeATMFee for using an ATM
feeSubTypeInsufficientFundsFee charged when the customer performs a debit transaction without sufficient balance/credit
feeSubTypeOverdraftItemPaidFee charged when the bank pays an overdraft item for the customer
investmentSubTypeCouponA deposit of a coupon (For investments accounts)
investmentSubTypeDividendA deposit of a dividend (For investments accounts)
investmentSubTypeBondRedemptionRedemption of a bond (For investments accounts)
investmentSubTypeTdRedemptionRedemption of a term deposit (For investments accounts)