Compatibility Specifications

Responsiveness and Resolutions

  • Fully responsive teaser widgets for both insights and trackers – ‘inbox’, ‘carousel’, ‘trackersDashboard’, ‘hub’
  • Mobile: Breakpoint: up to 515px, with project specific customization
  • Web: Above 515px, with project specific customization

Accessibility Compliance

All widgets comply with WCAG 2, AA level. This includes voice over for mobile and web, text resizing, tooltips, and keyboard support. Color and contrast standards are derived from banks’ palette and should be directed by bank design.

Browsers, OS, and Platforms

  • Browsers (min): Microsoft Edge 79.0.309; Chrome 72.0.3626; Safari 14.1
  • Android (min): Oreo (8.x) and higher, Target Version 31
  • Angular 13 (min)
  • React JS 16.8.3 (min)
  • iOS – 11.0 min
  • React Native 0.69.0 (min)