Customer Experience

This page describes the customer onboarding, goal management, and goal tracking experience.


Onboarding Process

The Onboarding experience is an interactive managed process, of sharing the budget service principles with interested customers, enabling them to choose categories, and to set budget limitations per selected category.
The bank and Personetics share responsibility for the different elements in the sign-up process. The allocation of roles is flexible and will be defined as part of the bank specific solution.

Onboarding Journey

The customer arrives to the ‘onboarding’ page – either through Personetics smart-budget insight invitation or bank manual invitation. The process begins with a brief explanation on budgets.
If the customer chooses to continue, the Budget Management Page is displayed. There the user proceeds as follows:

  • Chooses either the recommended budget and/or other budgets from the list
  • Set limits per budget

To complete the onboarding:
The configured budget information is sent and saved to Personetics using setBudgetSettings API call. The customer is now officially part of the Budget money management experience.

Note: The experience can be enriched by different data elements such as: recommended category, recommended budget amount, spending trend, etc. The data elements are based on the user journey, and on the pages from which the customer arrives to the budget. To complete the onboarding the information must be sent and saved to Personetics using setBudgetSettings API call.

Decision Checklist

UI Onboarding ResponsibilitiesChoose between Personetics widget (please refer to the Vanilla Budgets Widget deck) or bank development, as follows:
- In case the bank chooses to implement using the Personetics widget, the available configurations are detailed in the Budgets Client Integration guide.
- In case the bank chooses to independently develop the UI, consult with with Personetics Product and SA.
Included categoriesBank should decide which categories to include in the module. These categories will be the available ones to set up a budget for
Feature informationDecide on content the bank would like to present to the user: clarifications, explanations, FAQ, etc..
Budget amount range limitDecide on the min and max budget amount allowed for the customer to set for their budget. In case Personetics are responsible for the UI development, this decision is part of the available widget customizations deck.
Whether the Onboarding experience is a bank UI development or Personetics widget.In order to complete the enrollment (budget setup) a setBudgetSettings API request should be invoked.

setBudgetSettings API Request

In order to complete the enrollment (budget setup) a setBudgetSettings API request should be invoked. In the request set the following values accordingly:

  • budgetKey – The selected category the user wants to set up a budget for (CG XX)
  • budgetAmount – The budget amount the user wants to have for the selected category.
  • budgetAvgMonthlySpending – The average monthly spending in the selected category. This data should be fetched from the getBudgetCategories API response (see Smart Budgets Server API doc) or as an invitation insight payload.
  • budgetRecommendedAmount – The recommended budget amount for the selected category. This data should be fetched from the invitation insight response.
  • budgetInitiationMode - The page where the user navigated to the setup page from (For reporting purposes, Optional).
    o “Budget Recommendation Spending Category Teaser”
    o “Budget Recommendation Events Teaser”
    o “Manual setup”
    o “Tracking story”

All other parameters below can be sent with the same fixed value across all users.

   "type": "setBudgetSettings",
   "protocolVersion": “2.6”,
      "budgetActivation": true,
      "budgetLevel": "party",
      "budgetCycle": "monthly",
      "budgetType": "singelCategoory",
      "budgetSubject": ["CG800"],
      "budgetNickName": "",
      "budgetAmount": 300,
      "budgetRecommendedAmount": 300,
      "budgetAvgMonthlySpending": 4000,
      "budgetUserInput": "1",
      "budgetInitiationMode": "1"

Customer Control

Control Options

Once the budgets are set, what can the customer do?

The customer can access the Budget Management page anytime and perform any of the following operations:

  • Set up more budgets from the available categories from which budgets have not yet been set up. (Only one budget can be set up per category).
  • Stop budgets
  • Change the budget amount

Flow Alternatives

There are several alternatives for a user to manage and interact with a module:

  • The FI can choose whether to add direct navigation from their own application.
  • The FI can choose to navigate directly from the tracking teaser.
  • The FI can choose to navigate directly from the tracking story.

Control Page

Responsibility Division and UIShould the Manage/Control page be part of Personetics Widget (Same like the Onboarding widget) or the bank would develop it. In case the bank develops the Onboarding experience, they should decide if the Manage experience will be different and have its own page.
Available NavigationThe bank should decide on the different locations where the user can navigate from to the Manage/Control page: Tracker teaser, Tracker story, Menu button, etc.

Budget Management

setBudgetSettings configuration for the different controls:

To add a budget

Send setBudgetSettingsetBudgetSettings again.

To stop a budget:

  • Send the budgetSubject – The selected category the user wants to change budget amount for
  • Send the budgetActivation code as False
   "type": "setBudgetSettings",
   "protocolVersion": “2.6”,
      "budgetActivation": false,
      "budgetSubject": ["CG800"]

To change budget amount

  • Send the budgetSubject – The selected category for which the user wants to change budget amount
  • Send the budgetAmount – The desired amount
   "type": "setBudgetSettings",
   "protocolVersion": “2.6”,
      "budgetSubject": ["CG800"],
      "budgetAmount": 400

Note: For more explanations on the API please refer to “Smart Budgets Server API” document.

Self Tracking

How do customers track their budgets?

Smart-budgets provides on-going tracking to enrolled users, updating them of their spending, and keeping them engaged. (In addition, supplementary reporting and support tools allow the bank to monitor the module’s overall performance and pinpoint or handle issues which may arise. See Bank Tracking - Reporting and Analysis

The module includes a dynamic set of interactive insights which trigger based on the user’s current situation and module progress. These insights are a combination of progress tracker, spending milestones notifications, and engagement insights. These interactions are based on Personetics provided insights and optional custom insights created by the bank using the Engagement Builder.

Customization: The bank may also consider incorporating push notifications for some of the insights, either using the Personetics Engage push abilities or using the bank push methods for transfers.

Tracking and Support Insights

Following are the Personetics tracking and support insights provided by Smart Budgets. In addition, the bank may choose to create custom insights using the Engagement Builder.

Note: Insight details are provided in insight dedicated specifications.

  • Budget tracker: Updates the user with their real time spending in their budgeted categories.
  • Budget Milestones: Notifies the user about reaching a budget milestone (a predefined spending %), for the first time in the current month.

Budget Superstar: Notifies the customer, after a few "successful" months, about the “non-spent" amount they managed to save since they set up the budget.

  • Budget Consistently Above: Notifies the customer that their monthly category spending exceeded the category budget amount for 2 consecutive months.
  • Budget Consistently Below: Notifies the customer that their monthly category spending was below the category budget amount for two consecutive months.

Decision Checklist

Included insightsSelection of which insights to activate
Tracker insight placementPart of the carousel/feed, dedicated tile, inbox or not
BudgetMilestones – push or not?Should the BudgetMilestones insight be pushed to the user or served as part of the insights carousel/feed