
Customer Goals Self Management

Enrolled customers can at any time, control their goal participation, change their goal(s) preferences, and their funding method and settings.

Controls Available to Customers

Goals Customer Controls

Edit parameters of each defined goalGoal Type and corresponding image
Goal name
Goal target amount and date
FundingChange the goal(s) distribution ratio
Move funds between goals
Control participation in each existing goalPause and resume a goal
Stop a goal
Create a new goalAdd a goal

Funding Programs Control

Manage the funding program enrollmentChange their funding program (if eligible for other funding programs)
Enroll in a funding program (if eligible for a funding program and not enrolled in one)
Control participation in a funding programPause their funding program
Resume their funding program
Stop their funding program
Change funding preferencesAdd/update transfer preferences:
- Minimum balance to allow a transfer
- Maximum monthly transfer amount (not allowed for PYF since the requested amount of the enrolled income controls the maximum amount that can be moved per deposit)
Update booster value (Round Ups only)
Update requested amount of enrolled income (PYF only, includes changing from fixed amount to percentage and vice versa)

Customer Controls Journey

To update the customer controls the bank should call the “setGoalSettings” or “setProgramSettings” APIs. The relevant API request is based on the program control the customer is trying to achieve. For each of the options above, a specific set of parameters need to be sent (see explanations below). There are several ways for a customer to manage and interact with a program. Below are flows of some best practices:

  • Bank’s menu and programs controls page

  • Personetics tracking story and programs controls page

Program Controls Request Configuration

Goal Name

  • setGoalSettings requests
  • setGoalSettings for changing a goal name
  • In the request set the following values accordingly:
    • goalId – goal id, fetched from a getGoalSettings response / insight payload
    • name – new goal name


     "type": "setGoalSettings", 
     "protocolVersion": "2.6", 
     "settings": { 
     "goals": [{ 
           "goalId": "12345", 
           "name": "Eve’s Winter Camp" 