Division of Responsibilities

Division of Responsibilities

If the bank wants to develop the services provided by the budget module independently, then the budget API is used; otherwise the budget is provided as part of the installation package.
The service relies on a continuous exchange between the users, the bank, and Personetics.
The bank and Personetics share the responsibilities of the different elements in the sign-up process.

Note: The roles are flexible and will be defined as part of the solution architecture discussions.

Personetics Responsibilities:

  • All backend processes
  • All server API calls
  • Rendering of all invitations and tracking insights

Bank Resposibility:
β€’ Required data setup

Bank development or Personetics – according to the bank’s decision

  • Rendering the user experience of onboarding users (following Personetics/Bank invite)
  • Rendering of user control screens outside the insights (adding more budgets, stopping budgets, edit budgets amounts)