Event Triggering

widgetEvent, persoenticsEvent and handleWidgetAction

This page details the following:

  • Functions triggering the events:
    • widgetEvent function - relevant to web layouts
    • personeticsEvent function - relevant to mobile layouts
  • handleWidgetAction


The widgetEvent will be triggered for web layouts. It will be triggered by Personetics widget when a widget specific event occurs. For example, the teaser is clicked, view all button is clicked, story widget is closed, etc. Two types of events are supported:

  • Functional events
  • Action events


widgetMapNoThe widget object
params_mapMapYesevent parameters

Return value - None

Functional Events

Following are the provided events for func personeticsEvent(params: NSDictionary). These events are managed by the customer.

Event NameDescription
teaserClickIndicates a teaser/tracker was clicked - Bank should activate the story-widget using the startWidget API.
inboxWidgetStartedIndicates 'view all' button was clicked. The bank should activate the inbox widget using the startWidget function.
refreshInsightsTriggered by the corresponding widgets, when closing the manage-budgetswidget, or transactions modal.
When sent, it means the user’s data was updated, and the user’s insights need to be recalculated.
The bank should call the relevant API sequence to “refresh” the user’s insights – regenerate insights and fetch them (e.g. – call getInsights API)
This should be effective when the dashboard / carousel widget is displayed, and should not require user logout / login
ReportingEvent sent upon each interaction of the end-user with the application. For example, the number of times and end-user clicked a certain element, changing etc. This provides supporting statistics and analysis for end-user actions on the widget.

Return Value: none

Following are examples of a teaserClick generated event, and the bank Implementation, where the story-widget is invoked using the startWidget function.

    "widgetType": "inbox",
    "eventType": "reporting",
    "eventId": "teaserClick",
    "eventData": {
        "eventDateTime": "07/17/2023 10:09:10",
        "insightId": "IntroducePersonetics",
        "instanceId": "6f6c62d0-6312-48d5-9caf-2d3fdfbaa483",
        "useCaseId": "IntroducePersonetics_UC1",
        "value": "1"

    "insightId": "6f6c62d0-6312-48d5-9caf-2d3fdfbaa483",
    "eventType": "teaserClick"

this.widgetEvent = function widgetEvent(widget, params) {
	const { widgetSelector } = params;
   case "teaserClick":
        if (channel !== "web") {
        } else {
          personetics.widgetsCallStack[widgetSelector] = personetics.widgetsCallStack[widgetSelector] ?? [];

          const startWidgetConfig = $.extend(true, appConfig, {
            configurations: {
              widgetType: "story-widget",
              params: {
                userId: params.authToken,
                insightId: params.insightId,
                instanceId: params.instanceId,
                useCaseId: params.useCaseId,

          if (this.isPayload === "true") {
            // note that the getInsightDetails was declared in predefinedData.js
            startWidgetConfig.configurations.params.payload = {
            	GET_INSIGHT_DETAILS: window.getInsightDetails,


Action Events

Action Events List

These events are triggered in case of an action.

Action NameDescription
externalNavigationsends a string to the bank’s delegate for external navigation from the widget
externalNavigationURLopens a defined URL within the widget
CallPersoneticsAPIsends a defined API request to the Pserver
openStoryopens a story (from a teaser button)

Following are examples of events triggered by a specific action, and the response to the triggered event.


	"actionId": "action2",
	"actionType": "externalNavigation",
	"payload": {
		"navigateTarget": "navigateToURL",
		"payload": {
			"URL": "http://www.bank.com/register",
			"externalLink": "false"
	"action": "navigateToPage",
	"data": {
		"actionType": "externalNavigation",
		"navigateTarget": "navigateToURL",
		"payload": {
			"URL": "http://www.bank.com/register",
			"externalLink": "false"


	"actionId": "action1",
	"actionType": "callPersoneticsAPI",
	"payload": {
		"apiName": "updateUserDataAssets",
		"apiBody": {
			"protocolVersion": "protocolVersion",
			"lang": "lang",
			"eventList": [{
				"assetAlias": "commitedTxUpdate",
				"assetId": "B_1009",
				"value": "4"
	"protocolVersion": "2.6",
	"lang": "en",
	"eventList": [{
		"assetAlias": "sustainabilityInterest",
		"assetId": "B_1210",
		"value": "4"
	"type": "updateUserDataAssets",
	"ctxId": "dashboard"
	"actionId": "action1",
	"actionType": "openStory"
	data: {
		actionType: 'openStory',


personeticsEvent - Mobile

This function is parallel to widgetEvent operation. Refer to the widgetEvent function for the details.


Platforms - all supported platforms

This function is called from the widgetEvent - Web, or personeticsEvent - Mobile function when handling action events.


widgetMapNoThe widget object
params_mapMapYesevent parameters

These events are triggered in case of an action:

Action NameDescription
externalNavigationsends a string to the bank’s delegate for external navigation from the widget
externalNavigationURLopens a defined URL within the widget
CallPersoneticsAPIsends a defined API request to the Pserver
openStoryopens a story (from a teaser button)

Return Value - none

goToPersoneticsWidget - Android

Relevant platforms:Android

goToPersoneticsWidget function is Android specific. It Indicates a teaser was clicked. In response, the Bank should invoke the story-widget using the startWidget function.



Return Value = none

Code Example

"userId": "ProgramUser_3", // example for userID
    "insightId": "bd165da9-cf04-46da-ad22-1c8844a86454",// example for insightId of a clicked teaser
    "instanceId": "ProgramTracker",", // example for instanceId of a clicked teaser
    "useCaseId": "ProgramTracker_UC1", // example for useCaseId of a clicked teaser
    "eventType": "teaserClick", 
    "lang": "en", //language
    "clickedTeaser": <elm>  //an element node of the clicked teaser
     teaserId": "perso-teaser-template_bd165da9-cf04-46da-ad22-1c8844a86454" //an id attribute of the clicked teaser