Event Descriptions


Events are implemented through the personeticsEvent (mobile) and widgetEvent (web) functions.

Events are triggered by Personetics widgets upon widget specific occurrences, such as teaser widget is clicked, story widget is closed, etc. These events are managed by the customer.

Two types of events are available, where some of the events both types:

  • Reporting - used for analysis of user interaction
  • Action events - require a program response or action by the bank. For example, teaserClick action event requires an action by the bank's app such as opening the corresponding insight story using startWidget.

Reporting Events

Reporting events are generated when a user performs an action, and can be used by the bank to define response to the action, where some events may be used for analytics or statistics. Reporting events (along with Action events described in the Client API), are triggered by the personeticsEvent function (for mobile), and widgetEvent function (for web).

Each event is labeled by the eventId (e.g. teaserClick), and includes event identification information. (Not all the event identification items are relevant for every event.)

Event example - singleTeaser

"eventType": "reporting",
"widgetType": "singleTeaser",
"eventId": "teaserClick"
"eventData": {
"eventDateTime": "01/03/2019 11:24:54",
"value": "1",
"insightId": "NotifyLargeDeposit",
"instanceId": "38554f7a-dd00-4d3f-ad43-450147994a20",
"useCaseId": "NotifyLargeDeposit_UC1",

Event description and identification information

eventTypeDefined as 'reporting'.
widgetTypeType of widget: singleTeaser, carousel, hub, trackerDashboard, inbox
eventIdReporting event name.
eventDataContains relevant event information:
eventDateTime - event timestamp.
value - number of listed insights. For singleTeaserWidget, this will alwaysbe '1'.
insightId - unique name of insight generating the event.
instanceId - each insight instance has a unique Id.

Note: *InsightId and InstanceId returns inversed values. Known limitation

Teaser Widgets Events

The following events are generated by teaser widgets. Note that not all events are relevant to all teasers.

WidgetStarted Events

singleTeaserWidgetStartedsingleTeaser widget startedsingleTeaser
inboxWidgetStartedinbox widget startedinbox, carousel
carouselWidgetStartedCarousel widget openedcarousel
hubWidgetStartedhub widget openedhub
trackersDashboardWidgetStartedtrackersDashboard widget openedtrackersDashboard

Following are examples of WidgetStarted Events. The structure for all widgets is the same, where the widgetType is set according to the widget name.

"eventType": "reporting",
"widgetType": "singleTeaser",
"eventId": "singleTeaserWidgetStarted"
"eventData": {
"eventDateTime": "01/03/2019 11:24:54",
"value": "1"

"eventType": "reporting",
"widgetType": "inbox ",
"eventId": "inboxWidgetStarted"
"eventData": {
"eventDateTime": "01/03/2019 11:24:54",
"value": "3", //number of insights. No insights list at this stage

"eventType": " reporting ",
"widgetType": "carousel",
"eventId": "inboxWidgetStarted"
"eventData": {
"eventDateTime": "01/03/2019 11:24:54",
"value": "3", //number of insights. No insights list at this stage


Click and Swipe Events

teaserClickuser clicked on teasersingleTeaser, inbox, carousel, hub
buttonuser clicked on buttoninbox, carousel, hub
carouselSwipeuser swiped on carouselcarousel, hub
carouselClickUser clicked on the next teaser / chevron on carouselcarousel, hub
trackerClickuser clicked on a trackerhub, trackersDashboard

Following are some examples of click events, and the carousel swipe event.

"eventType": "reporting",
"widgetType": "singleTeaser",
"eventId": "teaserClick"
"eventData": {
"eventDateTime": "01/03/2019 11:24:54",
"value": "1",
"insightId": "NotifyLargeDeposit",
"instanceId": "38554f7a-dd00-4d3f-ad43-450147994a20",
"useCaseId": "NotifyLargeDeposit_UC1",

"eventType": "reporting",
"widgetType": "inbox ",
"eventId": "inboxWidgetStarted"
"eventData": {
"eventDateTime": "01/03/2019 11:24:54",
"value": "3", //number of insights. No insights list at this stage


story-widget Reporting Events

The listed events are only relevant to the story-widget

EventIdDescriptionPossible ValueCode
navigateButtonNavigation button clicked
feedbackUser submits feedback on rating widget
ratingUser submits rating on rating widget
backButtonClickeduser closed story by clicking the back arrow
errorOccuredclient error occurred
quizTrivia radio button - clicked
barChartBarClickUser clicked on a bar in the bar chart
barChartPickerClickBar-chart month-picker, month click
comparableBarChartBarClickBar-chart comparison bar click
comparableBarChartPickerClickuser clicked on month to month comparison picker on bar-chart
calendaruser clicked on calendar search
entitySelectorClickEntity Selector entity clicked
entitySelectorSwipeentity selector, entity swiped
entitySelectorChevronchevron on entity selector clicked
pieChartSlicepie chart slice clicked
pieChartChevronPie chart Chevron clicked
tabstabs block clicked
triviaCorrectuser answered a trivia answer correctly
triviaIncorrectIncorrect trivia response
accountSelectorChevronAccount selector chevron clicked
accountSelectorSwipeAll or specific account swiped
account-selectorAll or specific account selected
OpenTransactionUpdateUser opened the transaction modal
TransactionCategoryUpdateSingleUser applies a different category to a single transaction
TransactionCategoryUpdateUser decided to apply a different category on all transactions committed to a specific merchant
TransactionPersonalTagUpdateSingleUser tags a single transaction
TransactionPersonalTagUpdateUser decided to tag all transactions committed to a specific merchant
linkNavigationUser clicked on a link
FilterUser used a filter option

Budget Reporting Events

Event IDDescription
budgetWidgetStartedBudget widget started
recommendedBudgetApprovedUser clicked on the approve recommended budget button on manage budget
recommendedBudgetChangeduser changed the amount of the budget recommendation
newBudgetUser added a budget
updateBudgetUser updated existing budget amount
deleteBudgetUser stopped a budget

ACT Reporting Events

The following events are supported by both ACT widgets: actOnboarding, and actManagement

Event IDDescriptionWidgets
externalNavigationUser wished to be navigated to an external (out of the widget) pageactOnboarding, actManagement
refershInsightsUser performed action/s that requires insight regenerationactOnboarding, actManagement

Action Events

teaserClicksingleTeaser, singleTrackerTeaser, inbox, carousel, story-widget
callPersoneticsAPI (update user data assets)inbox, carousel, story-widget
navigateToPageUser clicked on a navigation button requiring access to another page.
For example, to manage-budgets - requires opening a new manage-budgets widget
carousel, story-widget, actManagement, actOnboarding
refreshInsightsRaised by the widget when user closes the story after updating a transaction using the modal. The bank’s application should call getInsights again.

story-widget, actManagement, actOnboarding