Home Screen

The Gateway to the Engagement Builder

The Home screen is displayed upon login. It is the gateway to the Engagement Builder, providing quick access to essential, commonly used operations: creating new insights, managing insights, knowledge center, and other settings and operations management options.

In addition, screens corresponding to the last 10 changes can be accessed by clicking on the relevant change in the 'Pick up where you left off' field.

Note: The main menu options in the left pane, and the top menu options are available in every screen and described in the topic EB Navigation.

The following main menu options are available:

Quick Access OptionDescription
Create New InsightAccesses the insight creation screen, from which insights can be created using either the Insight Wizard or 'from scratch'.
Manage InsightsAccesses the insights dashboard – serves as the insight monitoring and management portal for Personetics insights and for EB created (custom) insights. This screen is also the gateway to creating new insights and editing existing insights.
Knowledge CenterAccesses video tutorials, web help and other essential information.
Manage OperationsAccesses the following screens through dedicated cards:
- Manage Changes – change manager screen that enables approving changes before publishing
- Publishing Changes – publishing the package after all changes are reviewed
- Categorize Transactions – MCC categories customization
- ACT Settings – eligibility and money transfer setting for the ACT automatic funding methods.