Insights Structure

Each insight presented to the user is personal, and displayed only after passing the insight’s triggering conditions. The end-user's experience of the insight, is determined by the insight teaser and story contents. Insights can be teaser-only, story-only, or a combination of both.

  • Teaser - The teaser provides a short summary of the insight it represents. It consists of graphics and text designed to entice the viewer to acquire more information on the specific subject matter. When clicked, the user will be navigated to the ‘story’.
  • Story - This is the insight representation. It provides relevant detailed information and options according to the insight purpose. The story will usually 'nudge' the user towards an action.

To enhance customer-experience and drive higher click-rates on the teaser as well as on relevant story options, the insight story and teaser can be modified, via the insight specific Content screen options. A wide range of customization options is provided for both teaser and story. These include text and expressions displaying relevant information, graphics, defined blocks and their sequence, and more.

Note: Not all insights are activated all of the time, where the bank may activate some insights continuously and other insights over various periods of time such as end-of-year or holidays.

The bank can customize existing Personetics Insights, and can create certain types of new Bank Insights from scratch.

There are two types of insights:

  • Event driven insights – triggered upon an event such as maxed out credit, unusual surplus in the account, salary deposit, etc.
  • Tracker insights – continuously track the user accounts' status and update the user accordingly.

Only event driven insights can be created via the EB. The content of Tracker insights can be modified but a new tracker insight cannot be created.

Any changes in the insights will affect the presentation to end-users and the messaging. Depending on the role of the user making the changes, insight modifications may require approval (via the Change Approval options), before being activated. Once changes in specific insights have been approved, modified insights can packaged and published to the selected environment (EB, Beta, or Pserver).

Note: Only changes that have been approved and published are accessible to the end-users..