Inviting Customers

Invitation methods

How are customers connected with the Goals options?

Customers are formally introduced to the Goals options and invited to participate in the service either through the Personetics widget insight, or via other bank channels such as emails and advertising, or a combination of both.

Insight Based Invitation

The Personetics widget includes an Invitation insight that proactively recommends to relevant customers to join the goals service.

The invitation insight GBS_RecommendGoalsFinancialIndications identifies customers who had a financial ‘moment of truth’, and provides a suggestion for setting up a goal.

The Insights will trigger based on customer behavior on demand, through the getInsights API call.
For more information, please refer to the insight specification document.

Bank Channels Based Invitation

In addition (or instead), of using the Personetics widget invitation insight, the bank can invite customers to the goals program, through other bank experience and advertising channels such as Emails, SMS, Marketing tiles, menu options, etc. This provides the bank with flexibility to invite customers that were not identified as eligible (refer to Program Eligibility), to the program.

The bank invitation can be incorporated into a different notification system, as part of a campaign, or in a dedicated location in the bank app.

The manual invitation will then commence the regular onboarding process.

Invitation Sequence