Manage budgets

Manage-budgets widget can be initiated from two types of entry points:

  • From an invitation teaser - user clicks the 'Show All' button, views the options, clicks the invitation teaser in the carousel, or inbox, and then defines a budget.
  • From the manage-budget widget Upon triggering from the smart budget insights BudgetRecommendationSpendingCategory, or BudgetRecommendationEvents. This
  • Clicking budget-tracker teaser and rendering the widget according to the budget insights:

To open manage-budgets from the 'Show All options**

final personeticsInfo_budget = {
  'protocolVersion': 2.6,
  "internationalization": {"language": “en”},
  "configurations": {
    "widgetType": “manage-budgets”,
    "selectorString": "#root",
    "deviceType": “flutter”,
    "params": {},