Teaser Widgets
Rendering Widgets
Two types of APIs are used to render widgets:
- getInboxInsights - for inbox widget only
- getInsights - for carousel, dashboardTracker, and hub widgets
Rendering Teasers
Teasers operate with a processed response from the server. The command can be called by the bank and either provided upon âstartWidgetâ as payload, or requested by the widget if missing from the initialization.
Since âgetInboxInsightsâ only retrieves insights and does not generate them, the solution requires a previous generation call.
Code Examples
Following are code examples, for carousel, trackersDashboard, hub, inbox, and manage-budgets. In each layout, the examples apply to all widget types, as defined under widgetType.
final personeticsInfo_carousel = {
"protocolVersion": "2.6",
"internationalization": {"language" âenâ},
"configurations": {
"widgetType": âcarouselâ,
"selectorString": "#root",
"deviceType": âflutterâ,
"ctxid": âdashboardâ,
"params": {},
'widgetHeight': 260,
'widgetWidth': 320,
var personeticsInfo = Constants.personeticsInfo_carousel;
BankPersoneticsDelegate bankPersoneticsDelegate = BankPersoneticsDelegate();
var pDBWidgetController =
widgetController(data, bankPersoneticsDelegate.doPersoneticsCommend);
bankPersoneticsDelegate.pDBWidgetController = pDBWidgetController;
builder: (context) => pDBWidgetController,
final personeticsInfo_carousel = {
"protocolVersion": "2.6",
"internationalization": {"language" âenâ},
"configurations": {
"widgetType": âcarouselâ,
"selectorString": "#root",
"deviceType": âflutterâ,
"ctxid": âdashboardâ,
"params": {},
'widgetHeight': 260,
'widgetWidth': 320,
Note: the âselectorStringâ example of â#rootâ corresponds to the sample app example. The relevant path should be defined.
Payload Examples
"configurations": {
"deviceType": "web",
"ctxId": "dashboard",
"params": {
"payload": {
"ok": true,
"protocolVersion": "2.6",
"requestChannel": "VANILLA_QA",
"requestType": "getInsights",
"requestId": "NLjFSETDjW7-K35x",
"status": "200",
"statusMessage": "ok",
"insights": []],
"numberOfInsights": 8,
"unreadMessages": 4,
"numberOfUnreadInsights": 4
"userId": "B_1012"
"selectorString": "#root",
"widgetType": "inbox"
"assets": {
"baseUrl": https://client-vanilla-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/product-react-assets/assets/,
"useRemoteAssets": false
"internationalization": {
"language": "en"
Updated 9 months ago