startWidget Parameter

This page contains the startWidget map key values for all layouts. Most values are relevant to all layouts. Parameters relevant to specific layouts are indicated as such.


personeticsInfoA collection of key-values as listed in Key Map ValuesMap

Map Key Values

The following parameters are mapped to the startWidget and determine how the widget is rendered. All parameters are provided with every package; however, they are not relevant for every solution. (This allows for flexibility in future upgrades.)

Note: Some of the parameters are relevant only to specific widgetType values.

Nested UnderParameterTypeRequiredDescription
configurationswidgetTypeStringYesWidget type to render.
configurationsctxidStringYesBusiness context id.
internationalizationlanguageStringYesLanguage to be used for the widget UI.
configurationsdeviceTypeStringYesLayout: web, flutter, ios, android, etc.
internationalizationprotocolVersionStringYesProtocol Version for the Personetics API.
Default = 2.6. (Value in the sample code.)
configurationsselectorStringStringYesThe element selector in which the Personetics widget should be displayed (similar to “div id” in the “home.html”.) For example:

configuration/paramsinsightId**Stringstory-widget / RecapRequired only for ‘story-widget / 'recap' widgets, and optional for other widgets.
Used to indicate which insight details should be fetched.
configurations/paramspayloadStringNoPre-populated JSON for widget to render. The bank can first get the data from the Pserver and inject it in the startWidget using this property.
The payload structure differs per widget. Refer to Payload Structure
paramsobjectYes*Jason object containing additional (user) financial data. Populated by data from event sent by SDK when user clicks budgets.
*Mandatory only for manage-budgets.
Optional for other widgets..
configuration/params'widgetHeight'*Numbercarousel onlyRelevant only for Flutter.
Required only for ‘carousel’ where the widget height should be set; otherwise, widget height will be set according to screen height.
(Optional for all other widgets.)
configuration/params'widgetWidth'*Numbercarousel onlyRelevant only for Flutter.
Required only for ‘carousel’ where the widget width should be set; otherwise, widget will be set according to screen width. (Optional for all other widgets.)
configurations/paramsinstanceId**StringNoRelevant only for story-widget / Recap widget. Insight name Eg: “EOMCashFlowAnalysis”
configurations/paramsuseCaseId**StringNoInsight's use-case id.
configurations/paramsuserIdStringNoCurrent user. Empty by default.
assetsuseRemoteAssetsBooleanNoWhen value is ‘true’, widget will display assets from remote server, defined by the ‘baseUrl’ parameter. Details in dedicated Assets document.assets
baseUrlStringNoIn case of ‘UseRemoteAssets’, widget will download assets from this base URL
pDelegateObjectnoBank’s delegate object.
themeMapNoMapped widget colors for the dynamic coloring feature. Refer to Theme Configuration

*Flutter only. Refer to Flutter Height Implementation

**Relevant or required only for story-widget as detailed in parameter description.


The ‘theme’ parameter enables configuring the color scheme of each widget per startWidget call. Two themes are supported: darkMode and Lightmode. Both themes have the same color array, that includes the following fields, each with a bank configurable hex code value. The color fields correspond to different elements in the widgets, as listed below along with example hex values:
If one of the fields is missing or its value is invalid, the specific color would not be overridden and remain as the hex code in the project color palette. The color would override the basic color in the color palette, the shades shall be updated accordingly.
Use case examples: color classification according to insight segment such as onboarding, user self-management, and more.

List of theme attributes and example values
grayScale: "#313131", neutral: "#736B94", primary: "#7F5BFF", secondary: "#007AFF", out: "#DC2339", in: "#399D90", alternative: "#FFAF18", header: "#dddddd",

Code Example

    theme: {
        lightTheme: {
            palette: {
                grayScale: "#313131",
                neutral: "#736B94",
                primary: "#7F5BFF",
                secondary: "#007AFF",
                out: "#DC2339",
                in: "#399D90",
                alternative: "#FFAF18",
                header: "#dddddd",
        darkTheme: {
            palette: {
                grayScale: "#313131",
                neutral: "#736B94",
                primary: "#7F5BFF",
                secondary: "#007AFF",
                out: "#DC2339",
                in: "#399D90",
                alternative: "#FFAF18",
                header: "#dddddd",

Payload Structure

There are three types of payloads for various widgets as follows:

  • getInsights - carousel, trackersDashboard, hub, singleTeaser
  • getInboxInsights - inbox
  • getInsightDetails - story-widget

The payload is located in the config object as detailed in each example below.

config.configurations.params.payload["GET_INSIGHTS"] = received_response
Inboxconfig.configurations.params.payload["GET_INBOX_INSIGHTS"] = received_response;
story-widget/recapconfig.configurations.params.payload["GET_INSIGHT_DETAILS"] = received_response

Note: Before calling the startWidget API, the bank may call the Personetics service to retrieve the API rendering response

Structure per Widget

case "inbox":
   this.config.configurations.params.payload["GET_INBOX_INSIGHTS"] = getInboxInsights;

case "carousel":
case "hub":
case "singleTeaser":
case "singleTrackerTeaser":
case "trackersDashboard":
   this.config.configurations.params.payload["GET_INSIGHTS"] = getInsights;

case "recap":
case "story-widget":
   this.config.configurations.params.payload["GET_INSIGHT_DETAILS"] = getInsightDetails;

   this.config.configurations.params.payload["GET_INSIGHTS"] = getInsights;

Flutter Height Implementation

Height configuration is required only for ‘carousel’ widgetType, where the widget height should be set according to the information in this section.

For other widgets, the widget height can be optionally be configured according to the information in this section; otherwise, it will be set according to screen height.

Personetics Implementation Classes

The Personetics client is responsive, where all widgets’ elements affected by size, self-adjust to the device width. (This includes fonts, images, etc.). The adjusted device width, determines the set height.

Small-sized devices - design conforms to the FI’s requirements.

For medium and larger devices - several classes corresponding to the device size:

  • 320 - 347 pixel device width – class "perso-small" (iPhone 5/SE)
  • 347 - 395 pixel device width – class :"perso-medium" (iPhone 6/7/8)
  • 396 to max pixel available – class "perso-large" (iPhone 6/7/8 plus)

Height Implementation Example

var widgetHeight;  
      if ((WidgetsBinding.instance.window.physicalSize.width >= 320) &&  
          (WidgetsBinding.instance.window.physicalSize.width \< 347)) {  
             widgetHeight = 212;  
      if ((WidgetsBinding.instance.window.physicalSize.width >= 347) &&  
          (WidgetsBinding.instance.window.physicalSize.width \< 395)) {  
             widgetHeight = 228;  
      if (WidgetsBinding.instance.window.physicalSize.width >= 396) {  
        widgetHeight = 260;  
      personeticsInfo["widgetHeight"] = widgetHeight;