Supported Widgets

This section lists the following widgets:

Note: Details on each widget are provided in the Widget Feature Set document.

Engage Widgets

Engage WidgetDescription
inboxPresents a vertically scrollable list of insight teasers.
carouselPresents a horizontally scrollable list of insight teasers
trackersDashboardPresents several columns of tracker teasers – according to the number of presented teasers
hubPresents both carousel (insight teasers) and trackersDashboard (tracker teasers) in dedicated areas:

- Carousel of teasers in the upper area.
- Dashboard for trackers teasers in the lower area
singleTeaserDisplays a single insight teaser.
singleTrackerTeaserDisplays a single tracker teaser
recapThe recap widget allows users to view their financial highlights trends. Recap provides a swiping view of diverse business landscapes, offering concise and insightful summaries to empower the client's knowledge of their financial situation in one seamless glance.
storyRelevant to activity tracker insights.
Renders blocks in a full screen container, allowing the bank to create the required experience for the Activity Tracker insight.
story-widgetRelevant to all insights other than activity tracker type.
Renders blocks in a full screen container, allowing the bank to create the required experience for all insights - other than activity tracker type.

Budget Widget

The manage-budget widget is part of the Engage widgets SDK package, and is installed along with all the Engage insights widgets.

Budget WidgetDescription
manage-budgetsAllows users to create, delete, and modify budgets in selected categories.

Enrich Subscription Widget

The subscription-dashboard widget provides easily configurable user interface, for institutions implementing Personetics Enrich solution.

Subscriptions WidgetDescription
manage-budgets.The widget presents users with a list of their subscriptions along with other information such as category, merchant, and more.

ACT Widgets

ACT WidgetsDescription
actOnboardingIntroduces the user to the ACT program, and enables the user to enroll into one or more goals
actManagementAllows users to manage their money savings program and savings goals.

Open Banking Widgets

Open Banking WidgetsDescription*
obOnboardingOne of two CDC (open banking) widgets. Introduces the user to the open banking program, and enables the user to enroll to the program
obManagementOne of two CDC (open banking) widgets. Allows users to manage their open banking access.

*Open Banking is supported only for Web vanilla JS layout, Client version 2.3 and higher.