Tracking and Support

The goals based savings experience provides on-going tracking to each customer of their progress to keep them engaged. It also provides supplementary reporting and support tools to allow the bank to monitor the program’s overall performance and pinpoint or handle any issues that may arise.

Customer Tracking Tools

The Program includes a dynamic set of interactive tracking insights which trigger based on the customer’s current situation and program progress.

The interactive insights consist of a combination of progress trackers and engagement insights. These interactions are based on both out of the box insights from Personetics and optional custom content created by the bank using the Engagement Builder.

Note: The bank may also consider incorporating push notifications for some of the insights using the Personetics Engage push abilities.

The following insights are used to notify and update customers on their goals status:

  • Goal Tracker Insight - Updates the customer with their goals progress and goals cash flow activity.
    The insight can be consumed by invoking a getInsights request with a dedicated ctxIdgoalTracking

Goal Milestones Insight - Notifies customers enrolled in the goals program that they have reached a significant saving percentage/fixed amount in one or more of their goal(s).

Goals Tracking & Calculation

As part of maintaining and tracking the goals, the program includes a smart ‘behind the scenes’ calculation process. The process calculates and updates the goals status following new transaction activity in the target account hosting the goals. The transaction activities include both deposits and withdrawals.

Note: For more information on the goal calculation process, please refer to the specifications document.

Bank Tracking – Reporting and Analysis

As part of the program implementation, Personetics provides several reporting views:

  • Goals Reporting Views Specification - details the full table view structure
  • Engage reporting views – provide insight and events history. This includes the interaction and engagement metrics of the recommendation insights, and the tracking insights.
  • Customer History – this view saves all management and enrollment events performed by the customer, including: customer signup, pause, and modifications of the customer settings.
  • For bank that have acquired funding programs for their customers - Personetics provides reporting views related to funding programs, including events and money transfer. The full table view structure is details in the ACT Programs Reporting Views Specification document.