Widget Operation

Widget Functions

The widgets communicate mainly with the surrounding client. Communication is implemented through a few simple functions and events:

  • ‘startWidget’ – initiates (calls) the required widget according to the defined payload and attributes.
  • ‘Event Delegate’ – functions requiring attention from the surrounding client. This could be a navigation request or other actions. Navigation can occur by pre-mapped ids that are mapped in the bank client or by absolute URLs.
  • Server call – the widget has recognized a need to communicate with the PServer, either to retrieve information or to send information.

Note: Full details are provided in the API document.

Asset Management

The client widgets require icons and images to display visually appealing teasers, stories, and trackers. Those resources can be stored in one of the following ways:

  • Contained in the SDK – assets contained in the SDK. This will lower risk of assets missing or low performance on slow networks. However, it will require a client version update with a change in any of the assets. This is not recommended when incorporating enriched merchants with logos. The logos require a more frequent update of assets and will also significantly increase the SDK size.
  • Remote location – assets stored in a remote server. This is the recommended approach. It will minimize the widget size and allow flexibility in adding or modifying assets without updating the client version. The server URL is conveyed in “startWidget” and can be modified by the bank. In addition, it can be used in the Engagement Builder.
    For more information on asset handling – structure, size and format limitations, refer to the “Personetics Asset Guidelines”.

Widget Triggering

Depending on the widget type, the widget may be triggered from several different locations in the bank application. For example:

  • Navigation from Personetics teaser widget
  • Directly from the invitation insight teaser to initial onboarding
  • From the Personetics story-widget
  • Navigation from bank location – menus, etc.
  • From the bank’s main dashboard

Closing the Widgets

Some of the widgets are accessed via navigation and can be closed using either navigation buttons provided by the bank, or navigation buttons provided by Personetics. When widgets are closed via Personetics buttons, the corresponding event is generated.

Widget Communication

Error Handling

Each widget has its own set of error handling processes, pending on the widget requirements. The error screens text and images can be customized.

Widget Events

As part of Personetics’ service all end-user interaction with the widgets is recorded in the Personetics operational database. In addition, the bank can independently record and analyze these events using an external tool such as Google or Adobe analytics.