The service uses standard HTTP response codes as detailed below. Response codes are repeated in the JSON body of the response to ease forwarding.

200SuccessThe command finished successfully and will be followed with statusMessage: "ok"
{"status": "200", "statusMessage":"ok", "ok":true …}
500Server errorAn error occurred while processing the command - statusMessage will contain details about the error.
{"status": "500", "statusMessage":"I can't handle your question right now...", "ok":false …}
400Error in API CallThe request does not match API Design.
{"status": "400", "statusMessage":" I can't handle your question right now...", "ok":false …}
401User not eligibleThis response code will return when the user is not eligible or opted out from the requested service.
{"status": "401", "statusMessage":"User not eligible for this service or User not OptIn Ref ID: r1VavW8NeagNxmB5..", "ok": false …}