Budgets array:

Parameter NameTypeDescription
budgetSubjectstringThe key that will be used to aggregate the data (categoryGroup code(s)/ subCategory code/merchant name/…)
budgetKeystringThe key that will be used to aggregate the data (categoryGroup code). This parameter should be returned in getBudgetsCategories only for singleCategory budgets.
budgetKeyDisplayNamestringWhen the budget type is “singleCategory”, return the spending category name according to the request language and configuration in SCategoryGroups.json.
When budget type is NOT “singleCategory” return the same value returned in budgetNickname
isBudgetedBooleanThis parameter points out if the user ever set up a budget for this category (true) or they never did (false)
budgetAvgMonthlySpendingnumberThe average monthly spending as calculated in the profiling batch
budgetStdevMonthlySpendingnumberThe STDEV from monthly average spending as calculated in the profiling batch
budgetRecommendedAmountnumberThe recommended budget amount when the budget was set up
budgetIdstringUUID generated in the budget setup
budgetAmountnumberThe selected amount that the user sets on the last change
budgetActivationBooleanBudget activation status. By default the parameter will be with the value “true”.
If budget was deactivated the value will be “false”.
budgetLevelstringParty (next phases - the budget cycle can be on a party or account)
budgetCyclestringMonthly (next phases - the budget cycle can be on a monthly or weekly basis)
budgetTypestring• “singleCategory”- only one spending category.
• “multicategory”- multiple spending categories are budgeted, according to user’s preferences and project configuration.

(next phases – budget can be on
singleCateogry, multiCategory,
subCategory or merchant)
budgetNicknamestringUser’s budget nickname if given
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