Call retrieves full list of user preferences, to present in the UI. This includes: list of available insights, insight categories, and the user opt status of each. Each preference “asset” is located in a dedicated array holding all values for that asset. For example, “categories” asset will hold all available insight categories set in array object.

Categories Object

idStringThe ID of the category in the system
descriptionStringThe description of the category purpose to display to the user “these are insights meant to…”
displaynameStringThe name of the category to display in client
categoryGroupIdStringThe category group ID this insight category is associated with
optStatusBooleanThe user opt status of the category (if the user chose to activate the insights in this category in their solution)
optInPushBooleanThe user push notification opt status of the category (if the user chose to activate the insights in this category in their solution)
insightsarrayList of insights belonging to the specified category
imageStringIn case project supports images or icons per category – this will hold image name (as saved in client) or URL of the image in server

Insights Object

idStringhe ID of the insight in the system
descriptionStringThe description of the insight purpose to display to the user “this insight shows the…”
displaynameStringThe name of the insight to display in client
optStatusBooleanThe user opt status of the insight (if the user chose to activate the insight in this category in their solution)
optInPushBooleanThe user push notifications opt status of the insight (if the user chose to activate the insight in this category in their solution)
categoriesObjectList of categories this insight is mapped to. Could also be empty in case insight is not mapped to a category.
imageStringIn case project supports images or icons per insight – this will hold image name (as saved in client) or URL of the image in server
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!