This call is made to get the user insights inbox.


idstringInstance IDyes
textstringSimple teaser to display (when no rich teaser is present)no
insightIdstringInsight IDyes
useCaseIdstringSpecific use case of the insight IDyes
segmentstringThe determined user segment (insight configuration channel) the insight was generated withno
businessIdstringIn case insight is generated for a specific business of the user, the business name will appear here (only for applicable insights and users)no
lineOfBusinessstringThe relevant line of business the insight belongs to (consumer, business, etc.) according to available values in projectno
insightTypestringType of insight source (STORY\FLOW - case sensitive)yes
statusstringIndicates if the insight was read by user in the past (read, unread, new)yes
generatedDatestringDate insight was generated for display (today, yesterday, etc.)yes
presentedDatedateDate insight was first presentedno
selectedDatedateDate insight was selected (read)no
displayDatestringRecommended date to display in clientno
category1stringCategorizations and tags will be kept
category2stringCategorizations and tags will be kept
category3stringCategorizations and tags will be kept
scorenumberInsight scoreno
typestringInsight class (Inform, improve, act)no
userTagstringBased on the preference object, the insight will be tagged. If no preference defined, this parameter will be returned as an empty string.No
behaviorGroupstringIndicates which behavior group this insight belongs tono
highlightedbooleanIndicates whether user\Insight provider chose this insight to be highlighted in list (true\false)No
teaserTemplatestringThe name of rich teaser template to use, affects the teaserBlock array propertiesno
teaserBlocks**objectDynamic array of properties that changes per template, see specific template. In case of templates, a blockId is added to each block in the arrayno
customDataobjectObject containing extra parameter per insight, specific per project. Will arrive only if developed in projectno
factsobjectDynamic array of facts that change per insight. The facts hold all the user data that may be used to generate story or teaser for the insight. Fact per insight documentation is provided separatelyno
actionsobjectDynamic array that can be used to store information and commands that can be performed in button blocksno

**teaserBlocks Object - Contains the definition of the visual blocks that build the teaser. Each “teaserTemplate” has a fixed set of blocks in the response, the list can be found here. The blocks parameters are found here.
In custom cases where there is no template defined, the teaser is built by the list of blocks and the layout instructions.

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