Enrich FAQ's

Frequently asked questions


What is Enrich?

Enrich is a solution built to transform any transactional data source into a richer experience for the customer or the end user. It supplies clearer information about transactions and adds additional input and information regarding the transaction.
The product can be used to couple with Engage solution, or to enhance the bank’s transaction display and storage in any of the bank channels.

Is Enrich part of Engage?

No, Enrich is a standalone product that can both work in parallel and separately from Engage.


What is the response structure?

getUserTransactions response is based on 2 arrays, accounts array and transactions array.

What is the custom object?

The custom object is designated for fields that are not part of Personetics data requirements and the customer would like to include them in the response.

What will be populated in the accounts array if working in 'Plug N Play' mode?

The accounts array will include one empty object as in 'Plug N Play' mode there is no usage in account level data.


Can the user change category?

Yes, see section User-Input in Usage Use Cases.

What is the amount of data (categorized or uncategorised) that is needed to take the platform to X level of accuracy?

With data of 6-month period of 5000 users (minimum 500 users), the estimated accuracy is 85%-95% (depending on the quality of the data).


Can Personetics support multi-tenants?

Yes, Personetics will require each transactions file to include transactions from the same Financial institution.