Process Phases

Budget Phases and Processes

Customer Enrollment Process

  • Profiling (Service Eligibility) – Each targeted customer is analyzed, and a comprehensive financial map of their financial status and expenses is created. The map serves as the basis for their eligibility to participate in the smart budget service.
  • Invite – The process begins with an ‘Invite’, in which relevant bank customers are introduced to smart budgets solutions and invited to participate. This can be through widget inherent insights, or bank dedicated channels such as emails, messages, etc.
  • Onboarding – Interested users go through a short setup process in which the user can choose the categories for which they would like to create budgets, and define budget settings. The available categories depend on the bank customer’s profiling.
  • Management – Enrolled customers can at any time, stop their smart budget, add budgets, change their financial settings, and more.
  • Tracking:
    • Customer tracking -The smart-budgets experience provides on-going tracking to each customer of their budget status to keep them engaged.
    • Bank monitoring - It also provides supplementary reporting and support tools to allow the bank to monitor the program’s overall performance and pinpoint or handle. any issues that may arise.