Technical Use Cases


The product can be used in 2 working methods. Each method addresses a different business need. In this section we will detail the difference between the methods and the effect of the method of use on the input and output of the product.

The API structure will be similar between the methods.

Transactions Approach

In-and-out transaction enrichment.
Transactions can be sent to Personetics either via API requests or through transaction files (for SaaS projects only).
Personetics then processes the data and returns enriched information.


    1. Personetics Standard data model MW-Hints (above) / Customized MW-Hints / Transaction files
    2. Cross customer transactions
    3. Customer/Account data is not required
  • Output:
    1. Enriched transactions
    2. Empty accounts array
    3. User-Input is not supported
  • Storage:
    1. The system is working on the fly without storing both raw and enriched data.
  • No support for user recategorization and tagging
  • Support for both on-prem and fully managed Personetics SaaS

Hint structure using Personetics standard data model:

	"transactions": [{
			"id": "1111",
			"amount": "12.25",
			"description": "POS Purhcase - Netflix",
			"direction": "D",
			"ISOCurrencyCode": "USD",
			"MCC": "5812",
			"status": "Posted",
			"transactionDate": "2020-04-22",
			"type": "Charge",
			"transferSubType": null,
			"feeSubType": null,
			"investmentSubType": null,
			"counterPartyName": "Starbucks Coffee",
			"isReversal": "0",
			"isReturnedItem": null,
			"isRefund": "0",
			"isInstallment": "0",
			"transactionPurpose": null,
			"statusOriginal": "CLEAR",
			"subTypeOriginal": "POS1",
			"typeOriginal": "POS",
			"isPreAuthorized": "0",
			"isRecurring": "0",
			"transactionChannel": null,
			"categoryId": null,
			"accountId": "0",
			"accountType": "Credit"

Transactions Approach through files

Send Personetics transactions files in predefined format and receive back enriched transactions file. (The fields in the output file will be similar to the transactions array in getUserTransacitons response)

User Approach

Full enrichment including user-based calculations and user input capabilities.
Bank sends Personetics an enrichment request via API and receives the enriched data back.
For SaaS projects, Personetics could store the full user’s data and will make it available to be retrieved as enriched information whenever needed.
In none-SaaS project Personetics will enrich the input data sent by the bank.

  • Input:
    1. Full users’ data (Party + Account + Transactions)
    2. User level data (transaction of one user)
    3. Raw data can be reached by dedicated Database / API / Kafka queue / MW-Hints
  • Output:
    1. API response only
    2. User's enriched transactions
    3. Account info is included (based on input)
    4. User-Input is supported
  • Storage:
    1. SaaS – Available as fully managed SaaS hosted and operated by Personetics.
    2. On premise – no storage.
  • Support for user recategorization and tagging.
  • Ensuring alignment and consistency of user input, categorization, and enrichment across Personetics platform and products, for a unified user experience.

Hint structure using Personetics standard data model:

"customer": {				
"id": "123456789",				
"accounts":	[{			
		"id": "987654321",		
		"type": "Credit",		
		"transactions":	[{	
				"id": "2222255555",
				"amount": "12.25",
				"description": "Starbucks Coffee #123",
				"direction": "D",
				"ISOCurrencyCode": "USD",
				"MCC": "5812",
				"status": "Pending",
				"transactionDate": "2020-04-22",
				"type": "Charge",
				"transferSubType": null,
				"feeSubType": null,
				"investmentSubType": null,
				"counterPartyName": "Starbucks Coffee",
				"isReversal": "0",
				"isReturnedItem": null,
				"isRefund": "0",
				"isInstallment": "0",
				"transactionPurpose": null,
				"statusOriginal": "CLEAR",
				"subTypeOriginal": "POS1",
				"typeOriginal": "POS",
				"isPreAuthorized": "0",
				"isRecurring": "0",
				"transactionChannel": null,
				"categoryId": null