Subscription Widget


This widget enables the customer to view their subscription information in an aggregated level as well as specific provider level and to provide various useful subscription related CTAs.

Trigger points- The widget experience may be triggered from several different locations in the bank app. it will always be triggered by using the standard “startWidget” command and may be accompanied by additional payload.

Note: The client experience can also be fully implemented by the bank using getUserSubscriptions API as detailed in the Enrich Server API Suite.

Bank Location Trigger Point

If the bank would like to develop an onboarding or management access from their main menu, banner, dashboard, or their own teasers the protocol is the same. Simply use “startWidget” as described above.

Widget Structure

Subscription aggregationPresents aggregated subscription data
SubscriptionDetails specific subscription data, per provider for active and unactive subscription Personetics was able to calculate
Provider info• Provider display name, category, and logo
• Last payment date
• Payment amount and frequency
• Unsubscribe/subscribe button (depending on subscription activation)
• New/inactive indication
Subscription Informationa short textual disclaimer or info section where the bank can describe the information that is presented.
Subscription ModalWill be opened by clicking the chevron button, the modal is optional and can be configured not to open, in that case the chevron will not appear:
• Provider useful links: when available, will present the home page, Facebook, Twitter and customer support links, only available links will appear, in case some are missing the existing ones will be centered
• Close button – will trigger modal shutdown and returning to the subscription dashboard main screen
• Unsubscribe button
• List of previous payments done as part of the subscription – scrollable section, if not available, section will not be displayed
• Estimated next payment – if not available, section will not be displayed Subscription details section

Closing the widget

• The user can close the widget from a back button at the widget’s title (handled by the bank)
• closing the widget should always return to bank dashboard\insight location

startWidget parameters

widgetTypeStringYesWidget type to render – subscription-dashboard
ctxIdStringYesRelevant business context id
langStringYesLanguage to be used for the widget UI
protocolVersionStringYesAPI protocol version
payloadObjectNoPre-populated JSON with additional parameters for widget to render

Widget Events

The Personetics widgets convey messages to the bank’s application by sending events. The following events are supported in the subscription widget.

Note: The events support Google analytics.

Event IDInitiationValues
buttonUser clicks on button – possible buttons in the widget: subscription information, website, Facebook, twitter, Customers support, closbutton's text or image alt
backButtonClickedEnd-user closed widget by clicking on back arrow
subscribeButtonClickeduser clicked on subscribe buttonMerchantKey. for example: “Netflix”
unsubscribeButtonClickeduser click on unsubscribe buttonMerchantKey. for example: “Netflix”
subscriptionCardClickeduser click on subscription cardMerchantKey. for example: “Netflix”
errorOccuredclient error occurrederror message. for example: “processor error”

You can view the Static text list here.