Story Widget


The story widget renders blocks, displayed as a scrollable single-page, allowing the bank to create a fitting experience for each insight. It uses a combination of the “getInsightDetails”. Each user interaction is processed and may change the visual.


Story view is served as a scrollable single pager displaying charts, boxes, transaction lists and other actionable interactive elements. Each component is called a block which can be configured by the bank.

When tapping a teaser, a detailed view is shown, where different aspects of that insight, visible to the user. The insight will present aggregated information and comparisons which will help the user understand why the insight was triggered.

The story renders the blocks through instructions retrieved from the server. When using Personetics SDK, the “startWidget” client API is used. All story content (languages, text, blocks, dialogs, expressions, etc.) is retrieved using the startWidget single API call.


The story consists of a sequence of dialogs, where each dialog serves a function such as displaying account status, or tracking cashflow, etc. Each dialog consists of the following elements:

  • Story title
  • Dialogs
  • Blocks
  • User feedback (optional)

Story Title

The story title appears as the header of the window. The title comes from the Json and can be owned by the bank.


Each story has at least one dialog. Dialogs may provide visual breaks in the story or hold different backgrounds.

Dialogs also allow creation of complex stories that have conditional flows in them and can be displayed without the end user’s intervention. For example, results in a quiz insight. Dialogs consist of ‘blocks’.


Blocks are dialog components that implement the functionality. For example, a block displaying a title, another an expression that presents the sum of all accounts, etc.

Blocks are the visual elements displayed in the story – data objects that define a single UI component such as text, image, chart, etc. Some blocks may also be used to interact or impact other blocks. They are contained in the story dialogs, where each story can support any number of blocks, in any combination.

In case the bank implements the story widget independently, contact your Personetics representative for a full list of block components and how they are implemented.

User Rating and Feedback

Optionally, the story widget can allow a user to rate or send feedback regarding the specific insight. This is done using dedicated API calls. The rating\feedback appears at the bottom of all insights.