
In the profiling phase, each targeted customer is analyzed, and a comprehensive financial map of their financial status and expenses is created.
The financial map includes the user’s expected cash-flow, types of expenses, financial activity patterns, and can include knowledge of both internally and externally held bank accounts. This provides a comprehensive analysis of the users’ financial status as the basis for eligibility.
The financial map is executed using scheduled batches. The batch process runs every day and would process each user at least once every two weeks to create the necessary profiles for the budget service.

Note: The recurring income activity is essential to this module.

Decision Checklist

The following implementation decisions need to be reached in this phase:

Batch ConfigurationsEntire population/limited populations using API registry or white listing.
Server resource allocations and batch activation method (schedule or trigger by API)
Activity Backlog per user# of months with activity
Service base conditionsExternal accounts policy